Global Unity Dinner

Global Unity Dinner 2024

Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Global Unity Dinner 2024! This special evening, graciously hosted by the Pankaj family, truly embodied the essence of community. It was designed to offer an enriching experience in a relaxed atmosphere, free from fundraising activities, allowing every guest to immerse themselves fully in the spirit of unity and togetherness.

We encourage you to revisit the memorable moments by browsing this year's photos. For any further enquiries, please contact Karen Garner at

Discover the Heart of the Global Unity Dinner

The Global Unity Dinner (GUD) is an annual event spearheaded by Regent Global, an organisation at the intersection of technology, education, and investment management. However, the event's purpose stretches beyond the realms of academia and business, serving as a focal point for encouraging unity, peace, and understanding across different nations and communities.

The Underlying Goal

In a time when divisions often make headlines, the Global Unity Dinner is a beacon for collective action. It aims to remind everyone that unity and peace aren't mere ideals but achievable goals requiring active contribution from individuals and communities alike. By creating a platform for dialogue among people from diverse walks of life, the event aspires to break down the walls of prejudice and misunderstanding that separate us.

The Event Structure

Upon arrival, attendees are welcomed with a champagne reception, setting a convivial atmosphere that serves as a prelude to the evening's more profound activities. Guests then proceed to the main event hall for a gourmet three-course dinner, where conversations begin to flow around shared tables. The meal serves as more than just a culinary journey; it's a metaphor for the rich tapestry of experiences and perspectives in the room.

A Multi-Faceted Programme

The evening unfolds with a well-curated line-up of speakers, videos, and discussions. Typically, the founders of Regent Global, Dr Selva Pankaj and Mrs Tharshiny Pankaj, offer their reflections on the necessity of unity and peace, often supplemented by contributions from other distinguished individuals. A poignant segment of the event is a one-minute silence, observed to remember lives lost in various conflicts, thereby underscoring the urgency of the cause.

Voices That Matter

The message of the Global Unity Dinner is brought to life through a variety of voices that lend depth and credence to the event's core themes. The insights shared are not just academic but experiential, deriving from personal journeys that have intersected with conflict, education, and social dynamics. These narratives serve as a touchstone, urging attendees towards introspection and action.

Celebrating Diversity

As the formal discussions conclude, the event transitions into a celebratory phase. Music and dance fill the room, capturing the essence of cultural diversity and reinforcing the message of unity. The performances aren't just for entertainment; they serve as a universal language, speaking to the shared humanity that connects everyone in the room.

The Takeaway

While the Global Unity Dinner is an annual event, its objectives are ongoing. Each year's gathering plants seeds of awareness and understanding that attendees are encouraged to nurture in their own lives and communities. In this sense, the dinner is not just an isolated evening but a chapter in a longer, unfolding story of striving for global unity and peace.

GUD Brochures